
Monday, October 7, 2013


About two weeks ago, Emerson and I headed to the commissary for our weekly grocery shop. Our first big shop together since returning from France. And just as I had hoped, there greeting us at the store's entrance was a huge bin of pumpkins and the most fall-ish Fall display I've ever seen. Hay bales, corn stalks, a scarecrow and gourds in every shape, color and size. Tiny white pumpkins. Perfectly round orange pumpkins. White ones, speckled with orange and green. Fall has officially arrived!

"Look Emerson. Pumpkins!" I shouted, probably too loud for 9:30 in the morning. I got a few smiles from other shoppers. Older women who supported my sudden seasonal joy. I also got some not-so-enthusiastic looks from a few store clerks but I didn't care. It's my girl's second Fall and the first time that she's really able to appreciate my pumpkin obsession.

Carefully, we looked at all the pumpkins touching them. Noticing how some were smooth while others were very bumpy. Emerson's eyes lit up when I gave her the smaller ones to hold. "Ooh, ooh! Pah pah!"  She'd sayShe chose two tiny orange pumpkins and a little white one as her favorites, which of course accompanied her in the buggy for the rest of our shop. We came home that day with a total of 11. (Yes, I know. Obsession.) And as if this day couldn't get any better, I checked my email while Emerson was napping and found in my inbox "75 Fab Fall Activities to Try Now". First on the list- apple picking in Oak Glen. Um, yes please! 

So in celebration of Fall, Jared, Emerson and I drove two hours east to the small town of Oak Glen where streets are lined with big wooden barns, fruit stands and apple orchards… and cars. Lots and lots of cars. Apparently we weren't the only ones to get the memo. All around us were families hauling big diaper bags and schlepping strollers. Cameras in hand, they were ready for a little Fall magic too. And magic we all found. Among the crowds and dust, we all found just what we were looking for. 

Golden light. 
Leaves in shades of yellow, orange, purple and red.  
Apples dangling from trees.
Pumpkins on the ground.

Our first stop was Riley's Farm, where Emerson picked apples with her Daddy for the very first time and I snapped lots of pictures. It was super crowded, but oh so picturesque. 

Then we headed further into Oak Glen to Los Rios Ranch. We liked this place best. It was bigger, a little less crowded and it had a corn maze! Despite a face-plant into the dirt and a run-in with some nasty stickerburs, Emerson loved it!

I'm so glad Fall is here. Cozy blankets, hearty soups, candles that smell like cinnamon and cloves. Time for Abby and I to make Pumpkin Nutella Bread and pretend like we're still neighbors. 

Happy Fall everyone!


  1. Again, I love ALL the pics. It looks like you had a wonderful day making precious family memories. I would like to tell you which pictures is my favorite, but they're all my favorites!!! Hope you have many more days like this one making memories.

  2. P.S. I would love to have your Pumpkin Nutella Bread recipe!!!!!!!

  3. Pumpkin Nutella Bread! That sounds delicious! I am going to ask Abby about this asap! We will send you some! ;-)
