
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mama's Girl

Making the decision to have a child
-It’s momentous
It is to decide forever
to have your HEART
walking around outside your body.

Growing up, I was always a mama’s girl. I was my mom’s little shadow. Never wanting to be too far from where she was. A satellite. Always orbiting around her, gravitating towards her. Always wanting to be near her. She was my comfort, my constant, my everything. My whole world- existing in one person. The one person who knew me better than anyone. My advocate, my enthusiast, my biggest fan. And I was hers.

Somewhere along the path that life leads us down, we begin to stray from the comfort of our mother’s arms, to seek independence, to break away. This process is as natural as breathing for all young women, and it happens almost effortlessly, and without thought. And years later, without warning, you turn back to find that that little girl is a distant memory. A musing of a life so simple and sweet. A memory.

Last night, I hugged my mom goodnight, and then went to bed. But I couldn’t fall asleep. My mind was wandering from thought to thought like a butterfly might float from flower to flower. On this night, my mind had forsaken my body, keeping me from getting the sleep that this tired, pregnant body so desperately needs. My mind kept returning to the idea that my mom is no longer my center. And she hasn’t been for quite some time. This awareness feels like a cruel and harsh secret that for years, life has been hiding from me as I moved fluidly through each chapter of my life. From the perspective of a woman (me), who on some days, still feels like she’s 5 years old, sitting at her mother’s feet, eating grilled cheese with the crusts lovingly removed this reality is difficult to understand. For the mother (my mother), who on the day her daughter was born felt an extension of herself existing outside of her body; The mother who will forever be her daughter’s keeper I can only imagine, this reality is even more difficult to accept.

And here I find myself on a Thursday in early spring, with big salty tears rolling down my face. A new chapter of my life is beginning. In 8 short weeks, I will become a mother. I will become a mother. The child that I have carried in my heart all my life will be here. And I am comforted, calmed and eternally grateful that my mother, who was and still is the most important woman I know has given me all I need to be this precious baby girl’s everything, like she was for me. 

*Note: I wrote three days ago but was unsure I wanted to post it. Even though I put a lot of my thoughts on this blog, there are still a lot of things that choose to keep private. I decided that the intentions I had when creating this space was for it to be a place where I could collect my thoughts, feelings and inspirations. Remembering that, I felt right posting these particular thoughts.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hello Spring Break

Spring break is finally here and I couldn't be happier. Here is what I am saying hello to on my first day off...

Hello waking up to sun shining through the windows... 

Hello yummy bowl of cereal...

Hello sink full of dishes- a reminder that we had a great time grilling with friends last night.  

Hello vases, desperately needing to be filled with fresh flowers...

Hello baby milk weed, herbs and peppers. I've been neglecting you.

Hello nursery. My mom and have so much to do in here! 

Hello beautiful vintage dresser from Etsy. I wish you hadn’t arrived damaged!
Hello to the handiest mom on the planet, who will make this dresser like new!

Hello sweet husband, who took my 30 Week pregnancy shots. 30 weeks, whoa!

Hello DIY projects my mom and I will get into during the break.
Like this one: Five Little Birdies
& this one: Beach Glass Bottles

Hello Spring Break. I’m so glad you’re here!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Happy Weekend

Jared and I drove up to Miami last weekend for what was supposed to be dinner and a show. Somehow, neither worked out. The restaurant that we we went to was moving at a snail's pace so we had to cancel our order to make it to the show on time.  The show we went to see was very, very loud. So loud that I could feel our little dove jump each time the base would boom. So, we left. I'm sure she would have been just fine, but sitting in the nose-bleed section of an arena, passing worrisome glances at one-another, we decided it would be best to just leave. I was pretty bummed out at first, but in the end, a series of unfortunate events didn't stop us from enjoying our time together. Plus, we got to see my brother for a little while, which was great.
We woke up at 4:30 on Sunday morning and I drove Jared to the airport for his annual ski trip. It's not so easy saying goodbye these days. Not for either of us. It seems our little bird has made our time together more precious and sweet. 

Later, I drove up to Ft. Lauderdale for my very dear friend, Rachael's baby shower. We've known each other for almost 10 years now, have been in each other's weddings and now, I couldn't be more excited that we are pregnant at the same time. 
After the shower, a very tired little mamma made the long drive home. Driving for any stretch of time is a little more challenging these days, thanks to my poor, squished bladder. But it's a very pretty drive, with the Gulf on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. I listened to the playlist I made for our little bean. I think she likes it! I also made some phone calls to  family and friends along the way. 

Knowing that I would be tired from the weekend and the drive, I took Monday off, which was perfect! I slept in a little and put the bedding on our sweet pea's crib! How adorable does it look!
Jared asked me to take a picture of the bump each day that he was gone. I have to mention that these pictures were taken at or before 6:30  in the morning (except the first one), and it shows in my tired eyes! But anyway, here they are. This is me at 29 weeks! 
By Friday, I was feeling stretched thin. Work is busy and demanding. Lately I have been feeling less and less invested in what I do. My head isn't in the game at all anymore. Truth be told, I've lost my passion for teaching. I imagine that for many pregnant women, this is pretty normal, but still, I don't like feeling this way.  I've always worked hard and given my best to my job. At the same time, I have neither the energy or intention to give any more than I'm giving or to take any amount of time away from these last precious weeks with Jared before our sweet girl is in my arms. 
When I got home on Friday, I spent some much needed time off my feet on the patio. Reading my pregnancy book, drinking juice, eating dried apricots and admiring the way the sun sent beams of light through the palm tree my mom bought us when we moved in to our home. 


And as for today, I slept in then started my day with a long bike ride. I love my bike rides here. The roads are lined with red and black mangrove trees, Australian Pines, Buttonwoods, saw grass, and weather-worn branches that always make me smile. 
These signs are posted all over the Key. This one has been adorned with a lovely butterfly and cross. I smile every time I pass it. I'm not all smiles when I pass under this Osprey nest though. That mamma Osprey stares me down every time. 
Of course, I stopped at my park and took some pictures. 
I love those little butterflies. They're the palest shade of yellow and so delicate looking. 

After my ride, I drove to Salvation Army and the Habitat for Humanity store, looking for some furniture my mom and I can restore when she comes down for spring break. No luck though. The rest of the day was spent being lazy, laying in bed, taking pictures and feeding the fish. 

I hope you're having a good weekend. Jared gets home tomorrow and I can't wait to see him. He'll kiss me, kiss my belly and then we'll begin a new week together. Week 30!