
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bits from Christmas

I woke this morning at 5:30, eager after 2 days of being sick to finally have the energy to upload my Christmas pictures to my brand new computer. Our house is quiet. Coffee in hand, I look as over 800 pictures load onto iPhoto. I watch, smiling. Remembering.

Our Christmas Eve began in the air. Flying the long flight from California to New York. Greeted by Jared's mom, we began our wintery vacation at a Christmas Eve party with family friends. A long standing tradition and my third time joining in. The best home cooked Italian food in all of New York, wine, merriment and a grandmother who loved showing her grand baby off to old friends for the first time. 

Christmas Morning- 
Presents under the tree, jammies, coffee, the act of giving, two littles who don't quite get it yet but still make it so much fun, and lots of smiles and hugs.

The escape artist...

It has been confirmed by every family member in NY: Emerson is a mini version of her Auntie Jess. 

Annual Christmas Party-
It's been years since Jared's mom has been able to host a Christmas Party. The wait was worth it. Family filled the house. Food, drinks, stories being told, new memories being made. And LCR! The first for Emerson and Logan, the last to be held in this house.
 A little young to hit the bar, I think...



iPhone in hand and that look on her face, I see them as teenagers in this picture. 

The rest of the week was both calm and chaotic. The presence of family always there. Jared spent most of his time in the basement of his mom's home. Sorting through, breaking down and getting rid of so much stuff in preparation for a move that will be very bittersweet. Reliving memories, I'm sure of the time he shared there with his mom, dad and sister. 

We had a night out in Manhattan, where we ate amazing food, walked the city streets and toasted to Jared's dad behind the walls of a speak easy. All the while, Moncu entertained, fed, bathed and tucked in two tired toddlers. 

Pictures in front of a home that holds so much love...

A walk to the park...

And pictures of my sweet nephew who turned one earlier in December. He's such a happy boy...

New Years Eve was spent flying home. Six hours in the air. Three of which were pretty rough. Two that were just okay, and one that was quite relaxing (that's the one where Emerson slept). The New Year welcomed us with achy bellies, runny noses and the rundown feeling that often follows spending six hours on a plane. But it's all good, because that's life. We take the good with the bad, the great with the not so great and even if it's difficult to see at the time, we try to remind ourselves that a full and beautiful life has to include both the bitter and the sweet. I'm not sure what 2014 has in store for us, but what I do know is that it holds all the potential for being both full and beautiful. And that I've been given another chance to take both the good moments and the bad and make them into something lovely.

For the last few years, I've chosen a word to focus in on. One that would guide me and remind me of what was important for that year and the ones to come. It's been pretty difficult to settle on one word this year. There's a lot I have to work on. A lot I need to learn. We're always learning. Working to become a better version of ourselves, aren't we?  Heather and I went on an early morning hike on Friday. On dusty horse trails. The sun shining its light over brush-covered hills, making its way through the dust and casting such a beautiful glow that I had to smile. After a very tough couple of weeks, Danielle told me today that she started dance class and is now, because of that simple act of doing something she truly loves, so much more content and fulfilled. Jared and I had a conversation earlier today about being happy and making the most of it (one that involved maybe getting a camper...). These three things all line up to offer such insight into what I need to do. What I need to focus in on.

I think I've decided...

My word for 2014 is reach.

This year I will reach, bend, stretch. Into the deepest corners of my mind and the most tender places of my heart to find and do what makes me smile, do what it is that offers contentment, fulfillment, and to always strive to make the most  out of this life so that it is one that in the good moments and bad, is full and bursting with beauty.


In 2014, I hope you all do whatever it is that makes you smile. That fulfills you. May it be a year filled with hope, love and laughter.
Happy New Year


  1. I love your post. The pictures capture the precious memories that were made with Linda, Jess, Frank, Logan, Jared, You, and Emerson. Logan and Emerson looked so very sweet together. I love the Christmas morning picture of you, Jared, and Emerson. Emerson looks so content as she leans into you. LOVE!! Glad you had such a wonderful time.

  2. Dear sweet Katie I am so proud to be your mother in law. As you Reach for your camera remember your photos inspire and reach people in ways your can never imagine. I know your Christmas pictures will have a profound influence on our family for the rest of our lives! Your photographs captured the end of one era and the beginning of another. Our family is growing and as Bob Dylan said "The Times They Are a Changin" ,but hopefully we will all remember through good times and bad, it will always be "A Wonderful Life"! Love Mrs. Trusz changin to Mom changin to Moncu!
