
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Emerson, You're 4 Months Old

Dear Emerson,

Sunday was your 4 month birthday. You've been here in our world, real, tangible for 4 months! Little Bird, you have grown so much. No longer a newborn, but a tiny person. You have likes and dislikes and your very own little personality. You are silly and sweet and continue to captivate your daddy and me with your beautiful hazel eyes and gummy smile every single day. 
Four months. My goodness,where has the time gone? I find myself asking this question daily. Where has it gone. It seems that only yesterday your father and I were placing you in your car seat for the first time then nervously driving you home from the hospital in the pouring rain. It seems like just last night that we laid you in your bassinet to sleep for the first time at home. Constantly waking, watching the rise and fall of your chest, praying to God for guidance and for wisdom.
Now here we are, 4 months later. Still praying for guidance and wisdom but so much more comfortable in our role as Mama and Daddy. Becoming parents hasn't been trouble free. Some days are down right hard, my love. But I can assure you that it's worth it. It's so worth it.  Allowing us to soak up every one of your overwhelmingly sweet smiles has been one of your greatest gifts. I would endure one hundred sleepless nights to hold you in my arms. To feel your baby soft skin on mine. You are our world, our everything. Being your mama is among the greatest blessings the good Lord has given me. 
A few things: You are 26 inches long (the 95th percentile) and just over 15 pounds (the 75th percentile). You weren't too keen on rolling over in your third month, but as if to welcome this fourth month, you rolled from your belly to your back and then all the way over to your belly again! When you decide you'd rather not roll all the way over, you stay on your tummy and do this super man type pose. It's very funny.You discovered your toes a few weeks ago and just the other day, you learned that you can get those toesies in your mouth! Basically anything that you can get in your hands is going to find it's way to your mouth. And about those hands! You are discovering the world with them. You touch, grab, pull on everything. You're beginning to touch our faces, studying them with your hands and memorizing them with your eyes which is the most endearing thing ever.
Happy four month birthday, Little Bird. You are everything and so much more than I could have ever dreamed you would be. Thank you for allowing us to love you. Thank you for being such a wonderful baby. You have deeply, intensely, beautifully changed our lives. I love you all the way to the stars and back.

1 comment:

  1. sweetest little girl! Love how much you and J love her! It warms my heart! :)
