
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Goodbye Summer

I just realized that I never said a proper goodbye to summer. I know there are still a few days left of my favorite season,  but the cold front that has come through Tennessee has peppered the woods around my parent's home with signs of fall. So, I feel it's time to say goodbye. So much has happened in these last few months. We've had lots of visitors- My mom, Jared's mom. Jared's sister and my brother, as well as my dear friend, Alyssa. Our 5th anniversary. Emerson's first dip in the pool and her first trip to the beach. Now, here I am in Tennessee, delighting in these last few days of summer.

A few pictures from summer...

Jared's sister Jessica came down to meet her niece for the very first time. Soon, Emerson will have a little cousin to visit in New York!

My mom came to visit, and in between lazy days spent at home, we mosied into Key West for one of Emerson's first lunch dates.

 And of course some spearfishing for Jared.

Jared's mom came to visit and celebrated Emerson's first 4th of July with us.

My mom came back down. 

We took lots (hundreds) of pictures. These are just a few of the ones I love.

July also brought us a visit from my brother. He lights up like a Christmas Tree for his niece!

July 28th. Our anniversary. It was the best yet. We woke up early to this smiling face...

We had lunch outside with the warm summer air all around... 

And later, we enjoyed some quiet time. Just Emerson, Jared and me. With nowhere to go and nothing to do but just be. It warms my heart to see these two together. My little family.

Jared made dinner that night, as I got Little Bird ready for bed. He also made a little slide show of our wedding. He's so good.

It really was the best anniversary. No big plans. No fancy hotel. Just our tiny family on our little Key. Perfect.

 August brought us a few firsts. Emerson's first dip in the pool. She loved it!

And her first visit to the beach. I dipped her tiny toes in the water and although her daddy was far off on his ship somewhere, it comforted me to think that the place where we stood led into the big ocean that he was sailing. 

My sweet friend, Alyssa came to visit. She was so good with Emerson.

We went on a boat ride.

And played dress up with E. I'm not wild about this wild headband, but I'll be darned if my sweet girl isn't the cutest!

After Alyssa headed home to Virginia, Jared's Mom came down and when Jared came home, we all celebrated his birthday with another trip to the beach. 
The ocean is a very important part of who Jared is. It's kind of like his church, so watching my husband and daughter together in the salty sea for the first time, was nothing short of spiritual for me.

Late August brought a storm, and a last minute flight to Tennessee. More on my time there later. For now, I'm back in Key West, where storm clouds rest overhead. Emerson is sleeping, and I am sipping on coffee, enjoying these last few days of sweet, sweet summer. 

1 comment:

  1. i love seeing all these sweet pictures of Emerson. She truly brings a smile to my heart. There are so many people that love her, and of course you and J too. How lucky you must feel!
    I am so glad I got to spend 5 days with you and E (and J for a few). It was an experience in lots of areas including clothe diaper changing, doctors visits, diaper cream and of course the eating schedule of infants. But through it all, it was perfect! I am so glad to have such a wonderful friend in you! Love you Miss you! :)
