
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

So Much to Do...

There is so much to do in the LA area. I guess when this many people live in a relatively small place,  there needs to be plenty of options to entertain them. Around here, people show up too. In throngs. Everything we've been to so far has been packed with people of all kinds. I think it's pretty awesome and I know we'll take advantage of it.

So this weekend, we went to Manhattan Beach for the International Surf Festival. I had also read that there was a little aquarium at the end of the pier that I wanted to take Emerson to. Lot's of fun:)

Manhattan Beach-

Body Surfing Competition

E loved the pier and was not at all afraid of the height…

Maybe too much… Our little dare devil:)

Do you see that awful creature at the bottom left of this picture? He's an eel. And he's awful. I know all of mother nature's creatures deserve love and respect, but this guy seriously gave me the heebie-jeebies (Spelling?). 

Farmers Market-

When choosing our next place to live after Key West, having a local farmer's market nearby was top on my list of must have's. Southern California has so many to choose from. Lucky me- every Tuesday and Saturday, our area has a farmer's market. So yesterday, Emerson and I went to check it out. Let me just say, it was everything I hoped for and more. It was huge. Lots of fruits and veggie stands. And there were so many people there too. Packed at ten o'clock on a Tuesday. I can't imagine what it's like on Saturday. Emerson and I walked around for about an hour. She of course refused to sit in her stroller. There was too much for her to see and and to touch. It worked out just fine though. I had a place to put all of our fresh finds.

There were lots of stroller-clad mamas and daddies at the market. It's difficult to see here, but the little guy in this stroller has a red balloon. E loves "Baaah" (balloons) and made a beeline straight for it. 

Many of the vendors had fruits and veggies to sample. Emerson's favorites were the peaches. We may have tent-hopped a little more than we should have to get our fill;)

Our Finds- 
I had to seriously control myself here. I wanted to buy everything. It all looked so good. But I'm learning that less is more…
So I settled on a few peaches, some sweet peppers, a green bell pepper, some squash and best of all, veggies and herbs for our garden. I got black kale, green leaf lettuce, two Juliette tomato plants, and a lavender plant. I can't wait to get our garden growing. I've already planted some basil, cilantro and thyme in clay pots. 

Happy hump day:)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to go to the market with you. Maybe even find a red balloon for Emerson!! It looks like you're already having some wonderful adventures (even small adventures are awesome) in your new home state. Enjoy every one of them!!

    Love you
