
Monday, March 3, 2014

And The Rains Came...

California has endured its driest winter in years. Our family has lived here now for 7 months and in that time it has barely sprinkled twice. So many have suffered through a crippling drought and deadly fires. People have prayed and begged for a release from the arid conditions, but still the rains wouldn't come.

On Wednesday, Emerson and I drove to the airport to pick my mom up. As we looked to the sky for airplanes, I could see that the clouds were starting to gather and to darken. Earlier that day, I read the weather report and it looked like we had a good chance of rain, but I've learned not to get my hopes up about that. When evening came, the sky had competely darkened to a deep grey. Clouds swirled and the wind began to strengthen. By nightfall, I knew we'd have rain as predicted and I was excited at the thought.

I woke at 1 AM to the sound of rain beating against our windows and a roaring wind tearing through our backyard. I love the rain. I was raised on the heavy winds and rains of summer thunderstorms in Florida. Lightening flashing through venetian blinds and the roll of thunder rattling windows and walls. But there was something about this storm that was unsettling to me and even a little scary. Maybe it was because it was my first California storm. Maybe it was because despite the rain and wind, there was absolutely no lightening and thunder. Maybe still, it was because Jared was far away in Virginia. I'm not sure, but I tossed and turned under blankets and the sounds of the storm for the rest of the night until the morning.

When we woke, the rain had lessened to a sprinkle. The sun shone through beads of water on our windows and the streets were overflowing with remnants of the night's downpour. Emerson was in awe of the rainy wonderland before us and we spent the rest of the day running through the rain, splashing in puddles, searching for earthworms and going for walks. When the rains came, we stayed indoors watching the rain, and finding things to keep us busy. I took a few pictures of my view from the inside and looked on as Emerson and her Mima made memories. The next three days were spent this way and when Jared returned on Saturday we still had another day of rainy weather to enjoy.

Our plants loved the rain...
Salvia and rosemary...
Lavender and baby basil, making its way into the world...
Petunias and a flower whose name I can't remember :)

By late Sunday afternoon, the sun peaked out from the clouds and the the winds had calmed. We went on a long evening walk where we had to remind Emerson that we couldn't visit the park because it was too wet. "Raaiin. Wet!" She would say. She is still looking for worms to rescue and I think she misses looking through rain covered windows.

Today, the skies were clear and we made our way to the Botanic Gardens. It's one of my favorite places here and I knew it would be my mom's too. We followed Emerson as she lead the way through flowery paths and grassy fields and had a lovely time.

Today, many Californians are thankful for the rain. A break from the drought. I am too. And so happy to have seen the look on my daughter's face as she experienced one of the simplest joys of childhood. Happy Monday friends and family. I hope you have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. What fun we had in the rain! Love the pic of Jared throwing Emerson in the air…..what pure joy! Love you all so much!
