
Monday, August 20, 2012

The First Day

Today would have been my 9th first day of school as an elementary school teacher. Right about now, I would be running around my classroom making sure everything was just so. Pencils, markers and crayons neatly placed at each table. Name tags carefully printed with stundents' names. A message written on the white board, welcoming the children to a new year. I would have a dozen get-to-know-you activities planned out. I would hop over to my neighboring collegues classrooms to wish them good luck and then return to my own to anxiously await my new group of students to walk through the door. 

But not this year. This year instead of waking up to the sound of an alarm clock, I was awakened by the most precious little coo. And instead of zipping around my classroom, I picked up my little one and walked her around the house and to her room where I watched in amazement as she oohed and aahed at the new mobile her Mimi brought down for her. I won't be spending time getting to know my students. Instead, I'll soak up each moment I spend with you memorizing the exact curve of your nose, admiring the tiny dimples on your hands. Getting lost in your big eyes and melting at the sight of your smile.

This year, and for many more to come, I won't have the first day of school jitters. They'll be replaced with all of your firsts and although I loved being a teacher and took pride in what I did, nothing will ever compare to how much I love being your mama and the pride I take in raising you. This job-being your mama is the thing I was made to do. It is the biggest joy and the biggest blessing. Thank you. I love you. A thousand times, I love you.


  1. so i was thinking.... perhaps i might not have a 3rd first day and instead ill partake in the festivities that occur in your house! :) It sounds much more relaxing and exciting and happy than my day! Miss you

  2. Emerson is the best 'job' any mama could ever have. Enjoy....enjoy....enjoy!!!!!
