
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

11 Months

Dear Emerson,

You're 11 months old and oh, how you've grown. 

Each day you show us more of your personality. Each day we fall deeper in love with you. 

You are something, Little Bird. 

Really something. 

Daring and fearless. Charming and sweet. 

You are more than we could have hoped for. More than we could have dreamed up.

Emerson, you're my blue skies. You are my sunny day and I love you so very much.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Things have been a little intense around here lately. Lot's going on. I have felt stretched and overwhelmed. It's in these moments that I realize how much I still have to learn. And in these times, I'm reminded that although our days may not always smoothly, we have a choice in how we deal with that. I have this little observer here, my little girl, and I think I owe it to her (and myself) to embrace the good and accept the not-so-good as it comes.

Our outlook changes everything.
Our perspective is our reality.

The other day, I needed a new outlook. A shift in perspective. I stepped outside during E's morning nap and I found it. Beauty and inspiration awaited. And although things aren't perfect (what is perfect anyway) I was able to step away for a moment and see things through a different lens. Sometimes that's all we need. Sometimes we need a little more and that's okay too.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dolphin Research Center

Last weekend we headed up to Marathon to visit the dolphins at the Dolphin Research Center. This place is great--pretty flowers, a few birds and some meandering trails. Emerson was in her element. She likes to be anywhere where she can move and explore. We walked around and let her see, touch and feel her new surroundings.

We followed the trail signs to the lagoons. 

And then she saw them...

The dolphins...

Our girl was completely in awe. Not one to stay in one place for too long, here, she was perfectly content to be in her daddy's arms, watching these incredible creatures. 

And they watched us too...
Kinda creepy...but very cute!

Waving bye bye to the dolphins

Before leaving, we made our way to the little splash park at the center. This was probably my favorite part of our visit. Emerson had so much fun. She watched as water sprayed from colorful pipes, shot out of a dragon's mouth and poured from buckets. 
Assessing the situation. Evaluating the risk. 
Finally, she went for it. She walked right through the falling water. Jared and I kind of held our breaths as we watched the expression on her face change from shock to excitement then ultimately be replaced by that look she gets when she's completely absorbed and into something. Our girl loved it!

These are the days :)