
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Things have been a little intense around here lately. Lot's going on. I have felt stretched and overwhelmed. It's in these moments that I realize how much I still have to learn. And in these times, I'm reminded that although our days may not always smoothly, we have a choice in how we deal with that. I have this little observer here, my little girl, and I think I owe it to her (and myself) to embrace the good and accept the not-so-good as it comes.

Our outlook changes everything.
Our perspective is our reality.

The other day, I needed a new outlook. A shift in perspective. I stepped outside during E's morning nap and I found it. Beauty and inspiration awaited. And although things aren't perfect (what is perfect anyway) I was able to step away for a moment and see things through a different lens. Sometimes that's all we need. Sometimes we need a little more and that's okay too.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right about outlook and perspective. You put it so beautifully!
