
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Way To the Light

I've been struggling with whether or not I wanted to write this. Resisting, because so often, social media can serve as a platform for artificiality. And when something truly big happens in life, I fear that "putting it out there" like this may cheapen our sentiments or devalue our emotions. But this is not that. And it never will be. It isn't my intention to be disingenuous. In truth, I have learned, that this place called the internet can actually be quite a soft and safe place to land. A lifeboat when you've been treading water for too long.  I know that for four years, it has served as a place of community and of comfort and support for my dear friend, Tammy. And if this little blog reaches even just one heart tonight that will pray for her, well then I think writing here is exactly what I should do.

Tammy lost her daughter to cancer on Saturday. Ashley was only twenty years old... 

After 5 minutes of staring at the cursor on my computer screen, I have no idea what else to write. I've read those last words over and over. Felt their weight. Dipped my palms in the agonizing waters, of whose depth I can scarcely comprehend. Tammy lost her daughter to cancer.  What can I say that won't fall short? What can I say that won't sound hollow in my own ears? At best, words can only poorly express the sadness I feel for my friend. How can I possibly know the pain she is harboring? Tonight a mother weeps. Holding on to her husband, they wonder how they'll get through without their daughter. They'll pray to their God. Cling to Him. Finding comfort only in Him and the knowledge that Ashley is rejoicing in heaven. 

In times like these, words always fall short. We wish there were something, anything we could do. I think all we can do is be there for her. To help her pick up the pieces of her broken heart and to hold her close to our own. To pray. Always to pray. For comfort. For peace. For strength. 

I read this on Tammy and Troy's Facebook page a few days ago. It was written by someone whose life was touched, like so many others, by Ashley. I thought it was so beautiful.  

Somewhere a journey begins at the end of the worldly existence we know. 
Somewhere a path stretches over the stars and where rivers of memories flow. 

Somewhere a silence is heard far away and the brightness of day fills the night, 
where the trials of life are resolved into peace when a soul finds her way to the light. 

For tonight, this is enough...

Please pray for Tammy and Troy. Pray for comfort. For peace. For strength. 

1 comment:

  1. This has so deeply touched my heart. My thoughts, love, and prayers go out to Tammy and Troy.
