
Monday, July 1, 2013

June in Pictures

June proved to be quite a busy month. One worthy of sitting down with a glass of wine to breathe in deep the memories that were made there.

June in Pictures...

 My dad, Emerson, and I drove nine hours to Alabama for Jared's Change of Command in early June. On this topic, I have two things to say:
1. Emerson is a Rock Star traveler.
2. I am SO Proud of my husband (and also, I think he's hot :)

Yes, that is dust.  In the eyes. In the hair.  In the mouth. 
Dust everywhere...

I love this picture.

Yes I know, I look lovely in these pictures. That windswept/sand-in-the eyes look is really working well for me. 

One of the perks of Jared's dry-dock being in Bayou La Batre, actually the only perk as far as I'm concerned, was that I got to see this girl and meet her sweet little lady, Kendall. She and Emerson were born 13 days apart and they were absolutely adorable together. Watching them play together did my heart good. I loved, loved, loved seeing Rachael and meeting this precious little girl. If there were such a thing as a happiness chart (In my mind, it would be kind of like the growth charts found in the back of baby books), my happiness percentile would be off the charts for sure ;)

 This one makes me smile. 

We drove back to Tennessee two days later. Jared, Emerson and I finally had some time together. Our little family, together at last. It was only for ten days, but much happiness was to be found within them. Few things in life make me happier than seeing Jared with our sweet girl.

As if my glass weren't already overflowing with cheer, a few days after we got back to Tennessee, Angela called letting me know that where she is in South Carolina is only a five hour drive from my parents' place and that she and the kids would like to come meet Emerson. Yea! Five hours is nothing for us after living as far apart as Alaska to Key West. So, they came. Oh, my heart sings a million happy tunes seeing our sweet babies together.

Because I couldn't decide which one I liked better...

Again. Couldn't decide.

A Mother's day gift from me to my Mama. Two packets of seeds. Zinnias and a butterfly mix. Planted with love by the two of us under a maple tree in the back yard.

This girl. Oh, this girl...

We went into Cookeville to visit the Children's Museum there.
This place was adorable and Emerson had so much fun.

There's a fountain in Cookeville where lot's of children play. We took Emerson there twice. Of course our water baby loved it.

Many memories were made this month. The kind to warm the heart.The kind that make you smile in the midst of whatever it is you may be doing...

Every day, my mom shows her the flowers around the yard. She loves it.  Together they walk, looking for new blooms and smelling sweet honeysuckle.

Dear June,
Thank you for being so wonderful. 

Dearest July,
We're ready for you!


  1. What a wonderful month June was for me. I got to share it with family and friends, but mostly I enjoyed watching sweet Emerson grow. She and their sweet smell, puddles and how much fun it is to splash around in them, hide and seek......Buddy would hide and she would seek, humming the swing song but not liking the swing, dancing...she has great rhythm and loves a good beat, morning kisses and night-night kisses-so sweet, so many more memories of this precious little girl that I'm blessed enough to have as my granddaughter. June was wonderful!

  2. Beautiful pictures Katie! And now July is here, and you are HERE!!! It was so wonderful seeing you and finally meeting Emerson. We love her already :) See you soon!!
