
Sunday, July 8, 2012

SoMe PiCTuReS from the LaSt WeEk and A HaLf

With Jared's mom being in town last week, Jared and I were able to spend some time doing some of the things we love to do in Key West together. We laugh, because normally if we want to do any of these things, we have to do them in shifts. " I'll go for a run, you watch Emerson. You go out on the boat, I'll watch Emerson." That sort of thing. This past week though, we actually enjoyed doing things together!

Like paddlebording...

Swimming in the pool...

Softball games...

We even went out on a date...

It felt good being together like that. Kind of the way life was before our little bird came along, only better because life with her is so gratifying, so sweet.

 And watching Emerson and her Mimi spend time together warmed my heart. 

It was a wonderful week and a half. I cherished every moment spent with Jared, his mom and my sweet girl. Soon, my mom will be here and more memories will be made. As Jared's mom says, it truly is a wonderful life.


  1. Love it!!!! So happy for everyone! Can't wait to see you!

  2. Great pics Katie! I have to say, you do not look like you just had a baby! Fabulous, beautiful mama! Miss you guys so much:)
