
Saturday, November 17, 2012

HapPy 6 MoNThs!

Our Little Bird turned 6 months yesterday. I can't believe that she has been here, tangible and in our arms for six whole months. 

We had the best day.

We went on an early morning boat ride to check the crab pots. Emerson drove...

Jared checked the pots and I snapped pictures. A few pots came up empty, so he moved them to grassier areas. We did get a few keepers though!

After checking the crab pots, Jared did a little snorkeling in search of lobsters. He didn't have much luck, but it gave me time to get some pictures of my 6 month old!

When we got home our sweet girl took a two hour nap. A nap for which I have to thank the good Lord for making the ocean... without which we would not have boats... boats, that on more than one occasion, have lulled our little non-sleeper into a deep and peaceful sleep! 

And as she dreamed inside her sleep, Jared and I cleaned the house, Tasmanian devil style and made yummy food for the afternoon's festivities. Yes, I am that crazy mom who had a half birthday shindig for her little girl. My parents were in town and it gave them an opportunity to watch Emerson open her Christmas presents from them. Plus, my friend Abby and I will use just about any excuse to get our girls (and ourselves) together to admire and celebrate our little ones. Oh, and her parents were in town too, so it made it all the more obligatory to have a party...of course!

First, we opened Christmas presents. This was family time. Just Jared, Emerson and me with Mima and Poppy Pop. One of the best parts of becoming parents is seeing our parents turn into grandparents, which for me is kind of delightful and magical and wonderful. 

And later, Abby and her family came over for Emerson's half birthday. I didn't take many pictures, but thankfully, Abby and her hubby Derek got a hold of my camera and snapped a few good ones :)

Cupcakes made with love by Mima

In the future, half birthday's will probably not be quite as big of a deal, but I relish in, delight in the idea of beginning little traditions with our sweet bird.  A cupcake or a late night drive to get an ice cream cone. Maybe a new pair of pj's, movie and popcorn at home. My mama heart is overflowing at the thought of the memories we made and those that are still to come. 

After everyone had left last night, Emerson fell asleep in my arms. In that moment and all day long, I thought, I cant believe she's ours. I can't believe that for 9 months, she grew in my belly. And now here she is, 6 months old. I feel like I could melt with that knowledge. Like my heart could burst. She's ours. She's ours. She's ours. We are so blessed, she's ours.

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