
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Because We Went For It

The other day, Jared and I were watching Emerson bouncing in her jumper seat, her froggy legs moving up and down with a smile on her face that lit up our own and I asked, 
"Babe, how'd we get so lucky?". "Because we went for it." He said.

Because we went for it...

A couple of kids who fell in love. He was my favorite thing about the west coast and when he asked if I'd come to California, I knew I had to go.   

Because we went for it...

And we always will. Again. And again. And again.

And here we are, all these years later, with so much to show for it. Our daughter. 
Love, love, abounding love.


  1. Oh my gosh!!!!! What absolutely cute pictures!!!!! I know I will be getting them sent to me soon. Love the pink bow Emerson's wearing. I wasn't sure about your trip to CA, but I'm certainly glad 'you went for it!'. Love you all so much
