
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Joy Will Always Win

To write about happy things seems so out of place right now. I've been thinking of those children, those teachers and their families all week long. I've cried and prayed for them and felt such pain in my heart. Recently, I read this quote.

"Don't squander joy. We can't prepare for tragedy and loss. When we turn every opportunity to feel joy into a test drive for despair, we actually diminish our resilience. Yes, softening into joy is uncomfortable. Yes, it's scary. Yes, it's vulnerable. But every time we allow ourselves to lean into joy and give into those moments, we build resilience and we cultivate hope. The joy becomes part of who we are, and when bad things happen--and they do happen-- we are stronger." (from Daring Greatly, Gotham Books, 2012, via Kelle Hampton)

And it struck a cord. I will not allow the ugliness  in this world darken the beauty that can also be found. So I'm choosing joy and cultivating hope. 

These days, my joy is found in bubbly toes and bright brown eyes. Watching Jared's proud smile as he watches our daughter crawl across the floor.

My joy...
These pictures were taken last month when my mom and dad were in town. 
Look how much our girl has grown...

More Joy found in the past week...

Joy Will Always Win

1 comment:

  1. Joy is definitely what little miss Emerson is! She is the most precious gift, pure love.
