
Sunday, February 17, 2013

9 Months

Dear Emerson,

At 6 am on the day you turned 9 months old, I lifted you out of your crib for your morning bottle. As we rocked to a slow and steady rhythm, you drifted in and out of sleep. After you were full, I carried you to our room and into bed. You snuggled in close and fell into a peaceful sleep between me and your daddy. For the next hour, I watched as you slept, drinking in your smell and leaning into the idea that we made you. Your head at my chest and your knees bent into the hollow space of my tummy where you once grew I marveled at this perfect gift of love and family the Lord has given me. He made you for me and me for you, Little Bird and I am so unbelievably thankful He did.

I think about who you are--eager, curious, determined and  I can only dream of who you will become. Just like when I was pregnant with you and could only see snapshots of a life with you, once again I can't quite see who you will be. It is difficult to see beyond the here and now when the here and now is happening so fast. I can't wait to watch you grow from a baby to a little girl. To hold your hand as we walk along, to paint your toes and plant a garden together, and to watch as your daddy teaches you how to throw a baseball or bait a hook. Oh, but I don't want it to happen too quickly either. I once read that motherhood is like that. We yearn for new moments, new memories, but we want to hold onto those that we are in. I'm holding on, sweet girl. Tucking each moment I have with you right now close to my heart.

In these last 9 months, I have had the awesome privilege of watching you grow. You have blossomed into such a wildflower! There is a quote by my favorite author, Ralph Waldo Emerson (Yes, your name had something to do with him). He said, "The earth laughs in flowers." Well, you my love are the earth's most enchanting laugh and the reason for so many of my own.

Happy 9 months Bird. I love you. I love you. A thousand times, I love you.


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