
Wednesday, January 30, 2013


So, as I mentioned before, I came down with a very nasty stomach virus after we got home from New York. What I didn't mention is that I became so dehydrated that I was unable to produce any milk for three days and then, the medication I was on left me unable to nurse for several more days. I never pump and so we had no milk reserves in the freezer. Long story short, Jared had to give Emerson formula. Much to our surprise, Little Lady loved it. She takes a bottle down like it's her job. I'm no longer on any meds, but we figured that if the transition from breast to bottle was this easy, we might as well keep it going. It was definitely bitter sweet to stop breastfeeding (I may have shed a tear or two the first time I gave her a bottle full of formula) but we were planning on beginning the weaning process at nine months anyway. I guess we're lucky it was easy?

Anyway, on becoming a "free woman", we asked my parents to hold down the fort Monday night after Emerson went to bed and my sweet husband took me to one of our favorite restaurants for my very first alcoholic beverage (apart from a glass of wine here and there) in 18 months. We sat down at the bar, and before the bartender could finish welcoming us to the establishment, I asked, with the enthusiasm of a 7 year old ordering her favorite ice cream flavor, for a "dirty martini-straight up. Kettle One. Extra dirty." And it was delicious. I nursed that martini as Jared and I talked about our next move, work, and our sweet girl. I know it's just a drink, but I kinda felt like me again. Well, I always feel like me. I am me. but I guess I felt a little bit like the old me. Not that that's better or worse than the new me...oh, whatever. It just felt good!

Something else that feels good is having some energy. Emerson is FINALLY sleeping through the night AND napping twice a day. And what a difference sleep has made for both of us! She is a happier baby, I am a happier mama. A happy mama and baby is a very good thing! With my new found energy I have been on several loong bike rides. I usually take off just after laying Emerson down for her afternoon nap. I can relax more that way. The weather here in the Keys is simply perfect right now. Not too hot, and there is a nice breeze most days. I take my hair out of the ponytail I wear it in all day long (to protect it from tiny, grabbing fingers), and allow the soft breeze to caress my head. Really, it's like therapy for me. I get that dog hanging out of the car window. Ears and tongue flapping in the breeze feeling. Just free.

Life is pretty sweet these days. Bring on the sleep. Bring on the freedom. Bring on the happy. Floppy ears and flapping tongue happy!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had been there to celebrate your first dirty martini with you!! Congrats on the newfound freedom. You've been a hardworking mama and you deserve that drink! :) There will be margaritas to come in Cali in just a few months...!!!
