Too often we evaluate a person's worth based on how they look. We judge. We critique. And what manifests is the idea that our own worth is found in how we look. I realize the weight of this propensity more than ever now that I am a mother. Right now, Emerson is much too young to understand judgement. To know meanness. I want Emerson to grow up confident. Secure in who she is and what she stands for. And when she is old enough to feel the sting of others' unkindness, to always, always believe in herself. I want her to know, to understand that every person is deserving of kindness and love.
Sometimes I like to look back on this space to see where I was a year ago. How fitting it was to read this post. After reading, I reflected on how important it is to be mindful of others' feelings. How can I instill in Emerson those beliefs if I am not practicing them myself? As a new mom, I've made plenty of mistakes, missteps, misjudgments. I've also made decisions about parenting that I feel 100% confident are the right ones for my daughter. And through it all, I've hoped that others wouldn't judge me, and in the face of my missteps, would even offer compassion. It's time I do the same. Jared and I will teach our sweet baby girl kindness, we'll shower her with love of course. But today I pray that the Lord soften my heart to others, for quiet reminders to always be kind and for the strength to be an example of kindness and confidence for my daughter. Strongly rooted in love, happy in who she is, thoughtful and caring.